Keri Smith has a series of books perfect for sparking your inner imagination and creativity. While some might argue these books are for kids, we would like to disagree. In How to be an Explorer of the World you will investigate the beauty around you that is often overlooked. The goal by the end is to have created a series of artwork that you could display in your own private art gallery—creating art from found objects on your route home, finding objects in nature that match the random paints chips you may have lying around, or documentation of patterns you find around you. In Guerilla Art Kit you will learn about temporary art—infusing artwork in public spaces (that disappear obviously—no vandalism charges desired!). Perhaps you’ll craft Keri’s seed bombs and throw them into the nearby landfill or educate others with sidewalk chalk on a busy sidewalk. It provides recipes for temporary mediums to relay the message on whatever you might be passionate about.

About Keri Smith:
Keri Smith is an author/illustrator turned guerilla artist. She is the author of several bestselling books about creativity including the bestselling Wreck this Journal (2007 Perigee), How to be an Explorer of the World –the Portable Life/Art Museum, ( 2008 Perigee), The Guerilla Art Kit (2007 Princeton Architectural Press), Living Out Loud –Activities to Fuel a Creative Life (published 2003 by Chronicle Books), and Tear up this Book! :The Sticker, Stencil, Stationery, Games, Crafts, Doodle, And Journal Book For Girls!, (2005 American Girl). Her newest book, This is Not a Book will be released fall 2009 by Penguin Books. She is the author of the popular weblog the Wish Jar which attracts over 10,000 readers daily, and writes on occasion for a variety of magazines (including How Magazine). Keri spends her days playing with her husband and son, and divides her time between upstate New York, and the countryside of Canada.
As a free lance illustrator she has worked for a wide variety of clientsworldwide. Most recently Random House, The Washington Post, The New York Times, Ford Motor Co., the Boston Globe, Galison/Mudpuppy Press, and Hallmark. In the last few years she has given lectures and workshops on a variety of topics for The Learning, Arts & the Brain Summit at Johns Hopkins University, the How Design Conference, the OntarioGraphic Artist’s Assocation, UC Davis, and schools across North America.She has been featured in How, Step by Step, Print, Bust, Wired and many more.