Daniel Rybakken
Off the topic of materiality but could eventually be developed into a product and too cool not to show. Done by a designer who does mostly art installations. He created LED panel systems that illuminate to give the illusion on natural daylight coming into a space through windows. Go to the website to see more information. I can see this becoming a retailed product for those spaces that are impossible to get natural light.
Metolius Ridge Tiles
Manufactured in Eugene, OR. Terra cotta tiles that are all handpainted and glazed. Facility powered by renewable energy. Local dealer would is Snake River Tile and Stone.
Eco Friendly Flooring
Have 100% recycled aluminum and brass tiles in a variety of sizes. Can be used for wall, countertop, floor, residential and commercial, indoor and outdoor. Aluminum tiles are $35 per square foot and the brass are $70 per square foot (volume discounts available). Through EcoFriendly Flooring in Madison, WI.
Eleek, Inc.
Based and manufactured in Portland. Utilize 100% recycled materials and high efficiency lighting. Can also do custom work. Won the 2006 City of Portland Best for Sustainable Practices. 80% of supplies come within 50 miles of shop. Use recirculated water and reusable abrasive media in finishing process. Optional finishes are zero VOC and don't interfere with product's ability to be recycled. Utilize minimal packaging. Patterns are designed from recycled/reclaimed materials. Will take back products at end of life to reuse/recycle.
In Palm Springs, CA. Offer amazing wallcoverings with free custom coloring and cutting (stained edges, square panels like tiles, torn edges, etc). 5-6 week production time--made to order. Don't add fire retardant unless asked for to keep additive free. Use waterbased, 0-low VOC paints and sealants. Paper products are made from recycled materials. Hand painted and hand cut--no machinery. Also have two light fixture options.
Scenic Mesa Furniture
Ranch and flagship store in Hotchkiss, CO and manufactured in Hickory, North Carolina. Made with buffalo leather. Expensive, but interesting details and philosophy. Started by Julie Littlefield who is a botanist--decided to turn her ranch into a restored native buffalo range and developed a commercial buffalo meat business. Organic farms and orchards, hold green seminars, slow food dinners, and building EcoCabins on ranch.
Huvco Daylighting Solutions
"In the sketch to the left, the simple principle of the Parans System is shown. First, sunlight is collected by Parans Solar Panels outdoors. The sunlight is then brought into the building through the Parans Optical Cables. Indoors, the sunlight flows out through Parans Luminaires. This technology is called Fiber Optic Solar Lighting." Perfect for those locations that can't use a Solatube or skylight.
Alchimea Lana
Company and manufacturing in Germany. Thermal insulation comprised of sheeps wool, boron salt, natural rubber milk, iron oxide, lime and clay. Can be purchased through Good Shephard Wool Insulation in Canada. No dealer/rep in United States.
Caba Company Barkskins
Can be used for wallcovering, furniture surfaces, lampshades, etc. Handmade from tree bark--processed in cold and then boiling water, hand pounded and sun dried. Made in New Mexico. Depending on size of sheet and pattern, prices range around $3.45 to $7.25 per square foot.
Flux Studios
Wood, Steel and Bronze tiles/mosaics. Manufactured in Chicago. Wood is derived from sustainable/reclaimed sources. Developed own grout that works well wood tile which contracts and expands.
If you have any product suggestions that we should highlight, email Tara at tara@kiefferdesigngroup.com.
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